Oats Urundai Or Oats Energy Balls

Oats Urundai waiting for you....
Oats is so healthy, why restrict it to breakfast as Masala Oats and Oats Idli. Why not a favorite snack? I am adding nuts and jaggery (less processed sweetener) which makes it healthy as well as a satiating snack. This could be a good option for school snack as it is easy to pack and looks similar to energy bars. We had tried it during our hiking and worked well. So lets see how to prepare this easy recipe in minutes....

Preparation time: 10 min
Cooking time: 5  min
Main ingredients
Urundai preparation: 5 - 10 min
Serving size: 8 Urundai (balls)

  • Oats (Pressed type)- 1 cup
  • Nuts - 1 fistful(roasted)
  • Cardamom - 2
  • Cloves - 2
  • Jaggery - 1/2 cup
  • Flax seed powder - 1 tsp(optional)
Feel free to use nuts of your choice. Some suggestions are almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios.....

Grind the nuts half and half
  1. Roast the oats until you get a nice aroma (about 2 minutes).
  2. Roast the nuts, if not already roasted.
  3. Grind the roasted nuts almost half and half so that you get the surprise of the nuts when eating the oats urundai.
  4. Crush the cardamom and cloves to coarse powder.
  5. Dissolve the jaggery in 1/2 cup of water and filter out the impurities.
  1. In a skillet heated on low-medium heat, boil the jaggery water.
  2. When you see bubbles from the jaggery water let it boil for one more minute.
  3. Add the roasted oats, grounded nut powder, cardamom, cloves and flax seed powder and mix well with the jaggery.
  4. Switch off the stove.
  5. Have a bowl of cold water nearby.
  6. When the mix has cooled for say 30 seconds, dip your palm in cold water and start making the oats balls with a fistful of mix.
  7. Make the balls when the oats mix's temperature is such that your palm can withstand. 
  8. Boil until you see bubbles
    Mix well with jaggery
  9. Healthy and tasty Oats balls are ready to eat. Enjoy it with your family and friends.
  • The flax seed powder gives good bonding when making the ball.
  • If the mix becomes too dry after sometime and you cannot make the balls, don't worry. You can sprinkle little bit of water,  reheat the mix on the stove for about a minute and make the balls again. The jaggery tends to melt when reheated and so it becomes easy to make the balls.
Nutritional facts:
Oats and nuts are rich in dietary fiber which help lower the bad cholesterol in the blood and ease constipation. Rich in anti-oxidants, oats take more time to get digested thus helping in losing body weight. Nuts and flax seed powder have the heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Cardamom and cloves help the oral health. Cardamom also aids in mental clarity. Jaggery is rich in iron. Jaggery also aids in digestion.
Healthy oats urundai is ready in minutes

Enjoy the heart healthy snack anytime of the day at home, or as school snack or for special occasions.... I am sure it will be one of the favorite snack in your family or in a get-together..... Let me know how you liked the recipe and your valuable comments.

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