Mallida (Steamed Sweet Wheat Slices) For Kids

Hot Mallida ready to eat!
When I was a kid, my mom used to make "Mallida" on weekends as evening snack. I never appreciated all her dishes at that time,  but now I greatly appreciate it because she had always cooked healthy food for us. She was a working mom with 3 kids so most of her cooking recipes were quick, easy and healthy ones. I have also tasted "Mallida" from street vendors. It was one of my favorite snack. The ingredients used for the recipe are those which we usually have at home so you can make "Mallida" anytime you want, not just weekends.

Preparation time: 20 min
Ingredients needed
Cooking time: 20 min
Serving size: 4

  • Wheat flour (preferably whole wheat) - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Coconut grated - 2 tbsp ( I prefer fresh grated coconut although you can use frozen grated coconut)
  • Cardamom(powdered) - 4
  • Salt to taste
  • For the coconut, I usually buy the fresh ones, take out the coconut and freeze it so I know its shelf life. Whenever I need coconut for cooking, I take out some from the freezer, put it in hot water or microwave it for 10 seconds and then grate it or grind it according to my need.
Roll out and cut into desired shapes
  1. Prepare chapati dough in a vessel with the wheat flour, salt and water.
  2. Make small balls out of the dough, the size of a grape and roll out OR roll out big chapati and cut out circles or any shape that you like. I used my coffee filter lid to cut out round shapes :)
  3. You will get around 25 circular pieces.
  4. Mix the cardamom powder and sugar together and keep it aside.
  5. Grate the coconut and set aside.
Note: The Mallida when cooked expands in size, so smaller the size, better the control in cooking.
Cook for 2 min both sides
  1. Boil water in a medium size pan.
  2. Put the rolled chapatis in the pan on medium heat. You can cook at-least 10 pieces in one batch depending on the size of pan.
  3. Separate out the chapatis frequently so they don't get stuck to each other and flip over after 2 minutes.
  4. Cook the Mallida on both the sides, about 2 minutes each side. You know the Mallida is cooked when it floats.
  5. Carefully remove the cooked Mallida with a spatula after straining all the water(The Mallida tends to be slippery, so it may break when you are trying it for the first time.)
  6. After you take out the Mallida, spread it out, otherwise it sticks to each other and breaks when you try to separate it out. 
  7. Sprinkle the cardamom/sugar mix over the Mallida and garnish it with grated coconut.
  8. Serve it hot for your kids or appease your own pallet.
Note: It can also be served warm or at room temperature, but it tastes good when hot..

Hot Mallida is ready to eat!
Nutritional Facts
Now a days we hardly get steamed instant snacks for kids. This steamed whole grain snacks can be given to your kid for their healthy growth. Whole wheat flour with its rich fiber content works wonder for your digestive system. Cardamom soothes the nervous system and gives mental clarity(So may be your kids will have more attention span in homework after having this snack.) Coconut helps in the strong development of bones, teeth and hair for the kids and consuming moderate quantity doesn't hurt adults too.

Try "Mallida" and let me know how your kids like it. Let me know your valuable comments.

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  1. I have never heard about Mallida's. Sounds interesting, will try out this weekend.

  2. any particular difference, when tried with wheat batter for wheat idli, instead of dough for slice.....

  3. @Sumi: Thanks Sumi. Let me know how your kids like it.

    @Uma: For Mallida, you need slices made from dough, with batter you may not be able to get the slices. The wheat batter will get mixed with water.

  4. my mom used to make sweet wheat balls something similar to this ...

  5. @Lekha: Wheat balls sounds interesting. I can try it too....


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